Product Backlog Refinement Explained 1

As long as the same team members don’t miss the meeting each sprint, I think it’s fine to conduct backlog refinement meetings with about half the team plus the product owner and ScrumMaster. This extends the “spread it out” advice to the individual product backlog items. When refining a single item, don’t spend more than 15 minutes of the refinement session on it. Timebox your refinement of an individual item and come back to it at a future session.

A once-per-Sprint meeting can be very powerful if the team have been engaged with the backlog throughout the Sprint. If you’re already running a Daily Standup, you can pull everyone together to look at the backlog and have a short discussion every day at the end of the Standup about prioritisation and the details of user stories. Working on the backlog continuously rather than just once per Sprint makes the time we spend together discussing the backlog much more valuable and constructive, because backlog items already include a lot of detail. Product Backlog Refinement, also referred to as Product Backlog Grooming, is a method for keeping the backlog updated, clean and orderly. PBR is a collaborative discussion process which starts at the end of one sprint to confirm whether the backlog is ready for the next sprint.

Product Backlog Refinement in scrum

The sprint planning session results in a commitment by the product team to specific work during the sprint whereas backlog refinement is a planning activity, to explore possible work in the future. It is easier to embed best practices in your agile teams when you have strong processes and clear oversight. If you are adapting agile to work on time-bound projects, Backlog Refinement will be particularly vital.

Product Backlog Refinement

In order to make your deadline, you may have to sacrifice some of the ‘nice to have’ items in the backlog in order to get the priority items finished and polished. We are following Scrum but our Product Backlog refinement meetings are not successful at all. The Product Owner presents a story and there are so many open questions and loose ends that we never manage to go through more than 1-2 stories in the session. (The team should collaborate together to produce one jointly-owned estimate for an item.) Large vague items are split and clarified, considering both business and technical concerns. Sometimes a subset of the team, in conjunction with the Product Owner and other stakeholders, will compose and split Product Backlog Items before involving the entire team in estimation. Keeping the product team updated is another purpose of backlog refinement.

  • My recommendation is to delete any backlog story that’s older than 6 months.
  • As far as people, relationships, processes, and tools are concerned.
  • During Product Backlog Refinement, items are reviewed and revised.
  • As a Product Owner, you have authority and responsibility over the Product Backlog.
  • Teams that approach backlog refinement solely as an event will struggle to refine their backlog appropriately.
  • Sprint Backlog Management revolves around a set of items selected by a product team from its product backlog.

In the absence of explicit efforts aimed at managing this inflation, this inflation would result in the too well known pathologies of schedule and budget overruns. Many scrum teams dread the idea of attending a refinement session, and in many cases it’s totally understandable because the main input – the backlog – is not actually ready to be looked at yet. That just leads to wasted time in the form of discussions that do not move the team in a forward direction or yield a backlog of stories that are sprint ready, and that creates frustration all around. ProjectManager is cloud-based work management for hybrid teams that are collaborative to the core and provides a single source of truth that keeps everyone on the product team on the same page.

It’s not necessary for a Product Backlog Item to be fully refined before being selected for a Sprint. The only condition is that “Product Backlog items that can be Done by the Scrum Team within one Sprint are deemed ready for selection in a Sprint Planning event”. The team may consider The concept of Product Backlog Refinement additional criteria that helps them to have a successful Sprint Planning and execute on the planned work, but more refinement means less development time. It becomes a balancing act between refinement and risk reduction for upcoming work and development against the current Sprint Goal.

Product Backlog Tips To Make Work Flow

There is no prescribed rule as such and is highly dependent on the agile setup of the organization itself. Project Templates Maximise your work efficiency with Orangescrum project templates. My recommendation is to delete any backlog story that’s older than 6 months. These things should be obvious, but you’d be surprised how confusing it can get once you start doing it.

Product Backlog Refinement in scrum

Second, backlog grooming estimates are usually to help with more general planning. If you have a hard commitment date project, you’ll have already done this during project planning, so you should refer to your project roadmap. If you don’t have a project roadmap, then this isn’t actually necessary. The backlog is a prioritized list of deliverables that must be completed during the project. A scrum framework allows teams to execute in agile project management, the backlog is very important and backlog refinement keeps work flowing. A Google search and you’ll find dozens, hundreds, of articles on backlog refinement or grooming activities.

The Elements Of Product Management

Smaller, more specific refinements save time for stakeholders and subject-matter experts. You often need outside input for a product backlog item . Optimize the time of these external people so they never need to discern when, in a three-hour session, their PBI will come up.

This allows a couple of sprints to write stores with clear requirements, and present them to the scrum team at least one sprint ahead of when the work will be started. Backlog refinement is a must do activity from an agile project management perspective, but yet scrum hasn’t considered it amongst one of its events. Refining the product backlog is usually a collaborative effort between the product owner and the development team, product owner and the stakeholders or all 3 of them together.

Product Backlog Refinement in scrum

Nothing prevents you from recreating the story when it becomes a priority in the future. Instead, they create categories and lump dozens or hundreds of stories together. Specifically, I recommend that the whole Team, as a group, has 4 hours of Refinement sessions a week, probably in two 2-hour bursts. These sessions could include SMEs and should focus on Items that will be coming up soon. I recommend that the Team should have a maximum of two or three Sprint’s worth of Stories ready to go in the Back Burner, so this limits the extent of these Sessions.

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Teams that approach backlog refinement solely as an event will struggle to refine their backlog appropriately. There’s a higher risk that user stories are poorly defined, epics are classified as stories, and the backlog is not appropriately prioritised. In the spirit of the Scrum Guide, daily sessions build a habit of continuous refinement.

Product Backlog Refinement in scrum

To start, he implemented a ‘bug triage’ meeting – the developers would go through tricky bugs he’d picked and try to solve them together or at least understand them. The team was stretched from Poland to the Pacific, so this synchronous call was one of only two hours they spent all together in a given week. While agile is full of different techniques, meetings and processes, you don’t need to follow any of them by the book. When you’ve built a high Sprint Velocity, a once-per-Sprint refinement session might be the most time effective approach for you. Whereas starting the week with backlog refinement might provide a nice way of easing into that week’s work. This daily practice is especially important for the Product Owner, who holds overall responsibility for the backlog.

But if you only look at your backlog once per Sprint it’s going to be a hot mess. We know that Sprint Planning comes at the start of the Sprint. We know that Retrospectives come at the end of the Sprint. Backlog refinement in that sense is really a checkpoint rather than an effort to fully resolve issues.

It’s okay to have less experienced engineers and designers lead backlog refinement. Your Backlog Refinement Meeting will naturally be longer than your regular Stand-Up meetings. But you don’t want it to be an hours-long slog that leaves the team frustrated and behind on their work. If the backlog is extensive, it is unrealistic to address every item. If the team is writing an extensive amount of information detailing all the code changes that need to be done, then there’s too much breakdown.

At some companies, PMs don’t even perform this activity because it’s considered too tactical, delegated to tech leads/engineering managers, scrum masters, or designers. Unlike other Scrum meetings, I do not think the product backlog refinement meeting requires the participation of the whole team. These questions do not need to be fully resolved in a backlog refinement meeting.

Breakdown Large Items

In addition to this, 65% agile projects met their deadline and 67% inside the budget”. When you compare a large-sized enterprise with a small business, you will realize that the agile practices both use and the challenges both faces are the same. If the project manager cannot answer the question, it will create problems not only affecting sales but also dent relationships between departments. As per the Pulse of Profession report, “75% of agile organizations achieve their business goals. More importantly, the concept of “self-organizing teams” augurs well for the organization as agile project teams are well aligned with the overall roadmap and vision of the company.

Companies spend millions of dollars trying to handle project management challenges and issues. It’s the product owner who is responsible for managing stakeholders in Scrum. They need to make sure that the stakeholder and team management are on par with each other. Scrum software helps in managing the rapidly changing demands among teams.

This sounds incredibly valuable and any developer would like to spend time on this over working on some legacy application. However, when the reasons behind the solution are unclear it will most likely end up somewhere hidden in the app store. Sprint Backlog Management revolves around a set of items selected by a product team from its product backlog. This helps in working out challenges and nuances during the upcoming sprint. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact as to how backlog refinement measures enable better story point estimation, sprint planning and monitoring the sprint velocity. One of the objectives of the Backlog Refinement session is to make sure that all the information needed to begin a task is in place, so the task is in a ready state to be progressed as quickly as possible.

As a result, there would be little point in going through the process without consulting the team. Get them involved, so that they can verify that items are being refined to the correct extent. Ultimately, the question of who attends Backlog Grooming sessions is dependent on the context and information you need. Client services or account managers, for instance, can shed valuable light on the client’s perspective.

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